Pilates & Fitness in Ashton, Stalybridge, Droylsden & online in your own home or place of work.
Would you like to move with ease, become pain-free and feel GREAT?!
I want to help you to move more effectively, enhance your posture, lessen aches and pains, feel stronger and fitter, and develop greater suppleness and flexibility.
Book your face-to-face class: Ashton, Stalybridge & Droylsden

Prefer to work out at home? I’ve got that covered too!

Do you what to move BETTER, feel GREAT? Join my PRIME subscription and access 30 classes per month. Join in Live or Later on Facebook in my private group, the choice is yours!
- Convenient in your own home
- At the perfect time for you
- No travelling or child care
- Pilates
- Fitness
- Step
- Weights & Kettlebells
- Intervals
- Aerobics
- Legs Tums and Bums
- Mini workouts
- Older Adults & Beginners very welcome
- Fun, friendly and easy to follow!
Workout in the convenience of your own home, join PRIME, move BETTER, feel GREAT!

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