I love to share ideas with other FitPros, this is from Cilla, we will be adding this into interval training this week.
I love to share ideas with other FitPros, this is from Cilla, we will be adding this into interval training this week.
Are your hamstrings tight? Here are some stretches that might help.
When people are thinking about coming to a group fitness class they are often concerned about ‘fitting in’. Some are concerned that they are not fit enough, or perhaps worried about what to wear, they think they don’t have the right gear etc. So I’ve started a little movie project to allow you to meet some of the people I teach. Today at the Meths church I filmed Lilian, Lesley and Lesley. As you can see they are all lovely and quite Normal!
Here’s a handy calf stretch, great for Hikers, Steppers and wearers of stilettos!
A Pilates client mentioned to me that her Consultant and told her that ‘Sitting is the new Smoking’. I remembered seeing this info-graphic, it makes me want to leap up off the sofa!
Info-graphic supplied by medicalbillingandcoding.org I image that some of the stats come from the US but we wont be far behind. Makes for chilling reading doesn’t it?
If you sit around snuggled up to your fire and drinking hot chocolate over the winter you will just get fatter. Fact.
Join us for Fat Burning, preparing for your LBD and a bikini: Monday 9:45am, Tuesday 8:00pm at Hurst Community Centre. Plus coming soon to Droylsden!
As part of my on going Birthday celebrations I found myself in front of a large helicopter fan learning to skydive, I have to say it was totally awesome! Whilst flying, the spine is in extension and the chest is opened, shoulders retracted. I was a little worried that I might get a sore back, my spine and extension are not Best Friends! Actually my glutes were the main thing that complained (they always want to “take over” don’t they?). I felt a little beat up the day after but completely worth it for such a fantastic experience.
I was curious to know what the cardiac response to throwing oneself in front of a helicopter fan might be, so I wore my heart rate monitor. Check out the screenshot, as you can see not much effect at all!
Thank you to Cilla for the fab gift and for flying with me along with Mike, Janine and Margaret. We flew at Airkix near the Trafford Centre, it was the perfect day – Skydiving and shopping!
I’ve no idea why this tyre was in the store room of one the studios I teach in . . .