Category Archives: Pilates

Sitting is the new Smoking

A Pilates client mentioned to me that her Consultant and told her that ‘Sitting is the new Smoking’.  I remembered seeing this info-graphic, it makes me want to leap up off the sofa!

Info-graphic supplied by  I image that some of the stats come from the US but we wont be far behind.  Makes for chilling reading doesn’t it? 

Haunted Pilates

I’m not sure *where* I got the idea to do a themed night on Halloween . . .

My spooky get-up comprised of skeleton leggings (eBay) and the most AMAZING Sugar Skull makeup by one of my very talented clients Lisa Shaw we made a little movie to show her at work:

Next I needed a spooky Pilates playlist.  Whilst I could go for Ghostbusters and Thriller etc for my fitness class, this wouldn’t do for Pilates. I was stumped! But then I asked Facebook and they knew the answer, well, actually my neighbour suggested where I found lots of classical tracks that were perfect.

I didn’t film the Haunted Pilates, it was just too scary . . .  but here is the Spooky Step class I taught on the same evening:

If you like Step please visit my Step Simply website, thank you!

We are moving: new Stalybridge venue

We are saying goodbye to St George’s Church and send them warm thanks for offering us a nice refuge after the fire at Stalybride Labour Club.

Our new Monday morning venue will be Stalybridge Methodist Church, the room we have there is just perfect, a big thanks to class member Anne for hooking us up.

see you at the meths

What’s your sport?

I have a number of clients who come to class to support their sporting activities.  A strong core offers a firm base for the athletic body, improving performance and offsetting the risk of injury.  I have runners and cyclists in all my sessions, I also have a couple of Martial Artists and a Tennis player or two

I don’t think I have any BMX’ers!  Whats your sport?  How does Pilates help you in your sport? South Bank Skate Park

Shall we Swan?

Swan and cygnet on the river AvonSwan Dive is one of Joseph Pilates’s original 34 mat based exercises, it’s shown in his book from 1945 Pilates, Return to life through Contrology  yes, you read that right Mr Pilates called his Method “Contrology”!

In the Sawn Dive we strengthen the spinal and hip extensors, which helps improve posture and tighten the bottom!  And, good news, this week at Tameside Pilates, we are all Swans 🙂

For those who want to get ahead . . . .

And, here’s the more advanced version of Swan Dive, Kimberley does it much better than me.

See you in class this week my little Cygnets!