Last week I started some new sessions for Tameside Sports Development – Older Adult classes for 50+, Deconditoned, New Exercisers etc. Imagine my delight when I turned up at the sports hall to be greeted with ‘Hey, its Julieanne, from The Village!’ Quite a few people knew me and were pleased to see me, it made for a great start. I really enjoy teaching these types of classes, I find them very rewarding both in the way that people come and tell you how much they enjoyed the class and also the knowledge that I am ‘doing good stuff’ that will make a difference to their health and well-being.
Later that day I went to GT Grafix to chat to them about sign-writing my Mini, promoting Hurst Pilates Once again, my ‘fame’ went before me, Leanne who works at GT also knew me from my Step class at the Village. Leanne suggested that I should have my name on the back of my Mini and I knew straight away that she was right. I’ve taught a LOT of people in Tameside since I qualified in 1995, perhaps some of them will see my Mini in Sainsbury’s carpark and remember me!

I went to have my sign applied today, the boys at GT had it done in no time and I am very pleased with the result. Look out for me in my Mini and give me a wave or a toot!