Author Archives: Julieanne

Pelvic Floor Seminiar

I’m thinking of running a Pelvic Floor Seminar with a guest speaker, it will be Edutainment, you will learn all about the PF, what can go wrong and how to fix it.  It will be a social event, not a workout, there will be wine . . .  but you get exercises and homework as well, have a look at this video.

What do you think?  Would a Friday night work for you?  I’m also thinking of doing it as a fundraiser for Charity, what about Breast Cancer Care?  Let me know in the comments or in class.

I *heart* Pilates!

Pilates key tag and charm from Tameside Pilates I really do love Pilates and I hope all my clients do too.  For my little Christmas gift this year I had some charms made to show our love!

And, here also is this years Christmas card, me jumping at the temples at Angkor Wat.  I’ll be spending Christmas in Cambodia so it seemed appropriate!

Class member Debbie asked me if it was really me in the Santa dress or had I photoshopped my face onto a Mrs Santa?  Well, yes it is me!  The original photo was shot at Hartshead Pike a couple of years ago, it was a fun photoshoot and you can read the amusing story behind it HERE.

I still have a few of these left, see me in class if you didn’t get yours.